"Ass head : I am my best friend"

TO DRAW, is a promenade in-which I invite the Spectator to thought.
The idea is to identify with social issues that I consider important, to take the Spectator by the hand and then drop him so that he can go his own way freely : My drawings are a biginning of  « something » intimate, linked to the communication with oneself and others.
My drawings or symbols are codes. Elements perfect to take flight to another world.
They are innocent catalysts which like children, are curious, inventive, simple, optimistic…far from being idiotic, vulgar or provocative.
These signs contain several meanings as my friend  « Robert » says ( signs /marks = drawings, codes = different meanings) :
The little angel on a pedestal changes spheres : is she perverse, raped, liberated or other ? The snake is it a phobia, a phallic symbol, a religious symbol or other?… Does the Joconde’s grimace ask if the 21st century art takes another direction or something else ? The baby is it a symbol of : society’s regression, the family (be it single parenthood, divorced couples, or homosexuals), ethical issues like psychoanalysis (the child as the center of the universe) or again yet something else ?
Are disparaging politicans the offspring of patriotism or not… Should antennas be categorically prohibited ie from estates, rafts, discs, Wireless internet or not ? Should old offenders question prison treatment, violence, and numerous other variants of society’s abuses ?
A man with breasts is that the essence of accepting transsexuality or not ?
The omnipresence of the bomb is it the icon of civilization or not ?
ETC………………….., ?

TO DRAW is a gratuitous and universal act. Simple for anyone. It is a magnificient media for myself. I travel extensively, dream with a marker in hand to transmit THOUGHTS … calmly in peace, with myself and others.

Marie Piselli